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Terms of Service

Your contract is with Porcupine Tours and kindly before you proceed with any steps include but not limited to booking your Holiday trips, we request you to read and understand well our terms and condition of which nobody will deviate from it for the avoidance of any clerical and unnecessary consequence.

Porcupine Tours (hereinafter called “Porcupine Tours” “TO”, “we” or “us”), is a luxury travel company which carries on business as such throughout Africa (i.e., Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania).

The placement of any booking/s, whether by means of electronic mail or otherwise, shall be deemed to be confirmation that the Terms have been read and the Guest agrees to be bound by the terms.

Unless otherwise notified by Porcupine Tours, the trading Terms of Service apply for the period covered by this Agreement in relation to all operational divisions of Porcupine Tours unless otherwise indicated.


Booking procedure.

Porcupine Tours will customize your holiday to fit your personal requirements. The existence of the contractual relationship between us will arise if you comply with the following requirements as hereunder demonstrated.

-All reservations must be made and confirmed in writing through email.

-When you want to confirm your booking, you must deposit 30% of the entire safari amount which is non-refundable. 

-When the client has accepted the safari program, he shall confirm by depositing 30% as explained above within seven days.

-The remaining 70% shall be payable forty-five days before commencement of the safari. Porcupine Tours reserves the right to release the booking if the client fails to heed this condition and proceed to forfeit the deposit.

-If a safari is arranged within forty-five days before commencement of safari a full amount shall be payable to confirm the safari.

No, any contractual relationship will arise outside of the requirements adopted hereinabove.



You kindly advised taking a kin observation on your invoice, tickets, itinerary, receipts, and any other relevant document pertaining to your holiday trip as soon as practicable when you receive from us. We kindly advise on quick follow-up in case of missing information or corrections of any information within 7 days after booking confirmation. In case of any delay after the expiration of 7 days in any missing or additional information after confirmation of the safari, we will not be liable; hence all rectification measures will be at your own peril, except when we made a mistake.

After confirmation of the safari, the client shall send immediately all travelers’ passport copies. In addition to the foregoing, the client shall send international flight tickets (itinerary) showing arrival and departure dates together with a copy of valid travel insurance, documents relating to travelers’ health and medical conditions from a certified physician.


Medical conditions and disabilities.

If any member of your party has any health problems, allergy or any disability which may in one way or another hinder your holiday, please submit all necessary information before confirmation of the booking so as we can advise and make all arrangements to suit the need.


Cancelations, Amendments, and Non-appearance.

In case of any circumstances, which may lead to the cancellation of the holidays, the cancellation must be channeled through an official channel in writing, and it becomes valid to us when we receive written notification. In all cases of cancellation, the deposit and any amendment charges will be forfeited. Cancellation charges are projected on a percentage basis as hereunder shown.

Upon receipt of your cancellation confirmation before departure, the following are the cancellation rates per person.

Canceling a confirmed safari 60 + days prior to arrival full deposit is forfeited.

Canceling a confirmed safari under 60 days prior to arrival 50% of the full safari cost is payable upon provision of valid and justifiable reasons for cancellation.

Canceling a confirmed safari less than 30 days prior to arrival, 100% of a safari cost is payable upon the provision of valid, genuine, and justifiable reasons for cancellation.  

If the reason for cancellation is covered under the terms and conditions of your insurance policy, you may be able to retrieve those charges from your insurer. Notwithstanding the above, if we have issued your domestic airline tickets and you choose at any time to cancel them, then there will be no refundable monies available for you pertaining to the cancellation tickets basing on the circumstance explained herein.

Failure to enter an appearance or joining the safari after the departures date no refund shall be made.  


Pricing Itineraries.


The price of your itinerary will be based on known costs at the date of issue of the confirmed itinerary. We reserve the right to make changes to and correct errors in advertised prices at any time before your holiday is confirmed. We will advise you of any errors of which we are aware and of the then applicable price at the time of booking.

In case there is a change in government laws or policy, which affects the price and Porcupine Tours, is not in control the increase in price shall be shouldered by the clients. Matters which result in price changes include but not limited to changes in transport costs, government taxes, concession fees, fuel, scheduled airfares, and any other airline surcharges, or fees payable for services such as landing taxes, or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports or airports, or increases in park fees, reserve fees or concession fees.

If you change your holiday.

If you wish to change your itinerary after the contract between us comes into existence, we will do our best to make the changes required, provided that notification is received in writing. We will pass your request to the relevant supplier; however, we cannot guarantee that such changes can be made.

Where a change can be made, we will charge for any additional costs incurred including any costs imposed or incurred by any of our suppliers and including for example cancellation charges that may be incurred for sectors canceled. You should note, for example, that a change of name or other alteration to an airline ticket will usually incur a 100% cancellation charge and full rebooking fee.

Cancelation by Tour Operator.

We reserve the right in any circumstances to cancel your holiday for any reason at any time before full payment has been received. We are not ready to accept liability or pay compensation where the performance or prompt performance of our contractual obligations is prevented or affected by, or you suffer any damage or loss as a result of force majeure. In these booking conditions force majeure means any event which we or the supplier of services in question could not even with all due care foresee or avoid.

If we change your holiday.

A. If it appears that it is necessary to make any changes or alterations, we will make those changes as soon as possible; any changes must be made in writing.

B. Changes to confirmed holiday arrangements sometimes must be made. Most changes will be insignificant, and we have the right to make these. Where an insignificant change is made before departure, we will notify you in writing. No compensation is payable for insignificant change.

C. Occasionally, before departure, we may be constrained by circumstances beyond our control to make a significant alteration to any of the main characteristics of the travel services which form part of your confirmed booking or to any special requirements which we have accepted as referred to in section X (medical). Where we must do so, in the event that we must significantly alter any of the main characteristics of your confirmed arrangements or accepted special requirements, we will provide you with the following information in writing as soon as possible:

(i) The proposed alteration(s) and any impact they have on the price;

(ii) In the event that you do not wish to accept the alteration(s), details of any substitute package we are able to offer (and any price reduction where this is of a lower quality or cost);

(iii) Your entitlement to cancel your booking and receive a full refund if you do not want to accept the alteration(s) or any substitute package offered; and

(iv) the period within which you must inform us of your decision and what will happen if you don’t do so.

D. If you choose to cancel your booking in accordance with section X(C), we will refund all payments you have made to us within 14 days of the date we receive your written cancellation. If we don’t hear from you with your decision within the specified period (having provided you with the above-mentioned information for a second time), we will cancel your booking and refund all payments made to us within 14 days of our doing so. No compensation will be payable or other liability accepted where a change results from unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (See section X).

E. In the event that unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (see section X) occurring in the place of destination of your holiday or its immediate vicinity significantly affect the performance of the contracted arrangements or the carriage of passengers to that destination, you will be entitled to cancel prior to departure without payment of cancellation charges. We will notify you as soon as practicable in the event of this situation occurring.

F. Occasionally, it may be necessary to cancel confirmed holiday arrangements. We have the right to terminate your contract and cancel your holiday in the event we are prevented from performing your confirmed arrangements as a result of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (see section X) and we notify you of this as soon as reasonably possible. Where we must cancel your holiday in these circumstances, we will refund all monies you have paid to us within 14 days of the date we inform you of the cancellation but will have no further or other liability to you including in respect of compensation or any costs or expenses you incur or have incurred. We will of course endeavor to offer you comparable alternative arrangements where possible, which you may choose to book in place of those, canceled. We also have the right to cancel if you fail to make payment in accordance with the terms of your contract in which case section X (If you change your holiday) and 3 (If you cancel your holiday).

G. If we must make a significant alteration or cancel, we will, where compensation is appropriate, pay you the compensation set out in the table below, subject to the exceptions to the payment of compensation referred to in section 4(d) and 4(f)

H. Period of notification before scheduled departure date compensation per person.

I. More than 60 days NIL

J. 60-43 days $20

K. 42-29 days $30

L. 28-15 days $40

M. 14-0 days $50



Carriage by air and sea is subject to the terms and conditions of the carriers with whom you are traveling and to international conventions not with Porcupine Tours. To accepts no liability whatsoever for cancellations, strikes, timetable changes, diversions, technical issues unrelated to, lost or mislaid luggage, rescheduling costs, missed accommodation, or delays which result from any operational decision of the carrier concerned. To accepts no liability for death, injury, or illness that derives from carriage by air or sea.


Your responsibility.

You undertake to behave with propriety and in such a manner as not to cause or be likely to cause material distress, danger, or upset to other clients and/or any third party or damage to property. If we, our employees, agents, or suppliers consider you do not behave accordingly, we reserve the right to terminate your contract and neither we nor the providers of any of the services in question will have any further contractual obligations to you either in respect of covering any expenses, paying any compensation or refunds, or arranging for your home return. When you book with us, you accept responsibility for any damage or loss caused by you. Full payment for any such damage or loss (reasonably estimated if not precisely known) must be paid direct at the time to the accommodation owner or manager or another supplier. If the actual cost of the loss or damage exceeds the amount paid where estimated, you must pay the difference once known. If the actual cost is less than the amount paid, the difference will be refunded. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims subsequently made against us (together with our own and the other party’s full legal costs) as a result of your actions.

You must ensure that all your travel documents, passports, visas, vaccination certificates, and currency are in order and valid for travel. All costs incurred in obtaining such documentation must be paid by you. We regret we cannot accept any liability if you are refused entry onto any transport or into any country due to failure on your part to carry correct documentation.

Passport, visa, and other requirements may change so you must check the up-to-date travel advisor of the specific county position in good time before departure. If failure to have any necessary travel or other documents results in fines or other financial penalty being imposed on us or expenses or costs being incurred by us, you will be responsible for reimbursing us accordingly.

The name on your airline tickets must be exactly the name that appears on your passport. Please note that if you believe that we have stated orally that a particular facility or service should be available but is not in the confirmed itinerary or in writing from us, please make reference to it on the booking form/Guest Information form so that we may confirm it to you when accepting your booking.

To draws your attention to the fact that there are certain inherent risks involved in all the holidays to Africa that we supply, and you must accept these at your own risk. If you wish to discuss any such risks with us, we would be more than happy to provide advice over the telephone or in writing.



We advise clients to purchase travel insurance. The clients ensure to take out adequate insurance, including, death, medical and evacuation insurance, to cover any loss or damages to enjoy your holiday.

Porcupine Tours will not accept guests on a tour unless full travel and medical insurance have been taken out by that guest. Insurance should be arranged when the initial deposit is paid, and details provided. If a client does not have full travel and medical insurance Porcupine Tours is entitled to cancel the booking and cancellation fees will apply accordingly.

Depending on the detail of your policy, you may be able to recover the cancellation charges less any excess on your travel insurance policy. Never travel without insurance, the unexpected can always happen. It is your responsibility to ensure you are adequately covered by insurance for all elements of your trip. Please read your policy and take it on holiday with you.

Wild animals.

Safaris in Africa entail a certain degree of risk. We advise our guests to always consult their guide before undertaking any activity that may bring them into an area populated by wild animals. Please be aware that these safaris may take guests into close contact with wild animals. Attacks by wild animals are rare, but no safari into the African wilderness can guarantee that this will not occur. Neither the company, nor its employees, nor its agents can be held responsible for any injury or incident on the safari.


The Law.

The above booking terms and conditions together with all correspondence form part of your contract with the tour operator. This contract and any matters arising from it shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Tanzania law and the courts of Tanzania shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any and all proceedings between us either relating to our contract or arising out of it.


Waiver of claim against Introducer.

If you have been introduced to us by another party or a travel agent, in case of any liability, the agent or any person introduced to you to us will be exonerated from liability.

In case of any concern, you may have must be directed to us and it will be handled according to the terms and conditions as per the contract.


Problem or Complaints.

If you have a problem/complaint during your holiday, please don’t hesitate to inform the relevant organizer (camp/hotel manager/Safari guide) as soon as possible and he or she will harmonize the situation so as to make your holiday better. If you think that the situation is not within the capacity of your tour organizer hence cannot be resolved by him or her, please contact the office so that we have the opportunity to investigate and rectify the problem as soon as possible.

If you have any complaints about any aspect of your holiday arrangements, you must inform our local representative or tour leader immediately and the supplier of the arrangements concerned. Problems can most easily be dealt with on the spot. Please note, if you do not report a problem or complaint which, if it had been reported at the time it occurred could have been resolved there and then we cannot accept any liability in respect of that problem or complaint.

It is sensible to expect a client travelling in the developing world to be reasonably resourceful if things go wrong. If you experience any difficulties, please follow the steps shown in your Travel Organizer. If the issue cannot be resolved locally you can contact the office on our 24-hour emergency telephone service. The number will be found in your Travel Organizer in the Important Information section. In the unlikely event that an acceptable solution cannot be found, you should then write to us within 28 days of your return with full details of your complaint. If you fail to follow this complaints procedure, you’re right to claim the compensation you may otherwise have been entitled to may be affected or even lost as a result. Mediator provided the claim does not involve a personal accident, injury, or illness.



At any time, all baggage and personal effects are at the client’s responsibility and the Company does not accept any liability for any loss or damage of any personal effects, howsoever arising. Clients are entitled to one bag of not more than 15 kg (backpack or soft bag – no hardtop suitcase) and a daypack. The Company reserves the right to refuse excess baggage. Please notice that on our trekking tours and on some “bush” flights other baggage regulations may apply.



The company and its owner, director, management staff, and employees shall not be held responsible for any injury or death to persons on tour, nor for loss or damage to personal property, however, they may be caused. The company draws your attention to the fact that there are certain inherent risks present when on Safari, or when engaging in any strenuous physical activity. It is your sole responsibility to obtain appropriate medical advice as to medication, immunization, and whether or not you are fit enough to undertake the trip, prior to departure. The company shall not be liable for illness, injury, or death sustained whilst visiting the properties owned and managed by the company.


Authority on Tour.

The decisions of the Company´s guide/driver on tour shall at all times be final and binding. The client must at all times comply with the laws, customs and foreign exchange regulations of all countries visited.


Price changes.

We kindly inform you that our prices are based on the current national park fees and taxes. And you will be charged in accordance with it.



We kindly remind you that in case of any problem concern road and airstrip conditions, which may make travel impossible at the time we cannot be held responsible. Any changes to the initial itinerary are subject to the conditions and rates outlined above, despite any access matters or weather conditions.


Force majeure.

“Force Majeure” means, in relation to the company, any circumstances beyond the control of the company (including and without limitation, acts of God, explosions, floods, tempests, fires, accidents, war or threat of war, sabotage, insurrection, civil disturbance or requisition, sickness, quarantine, government intervention, weather conditions or other outwards occurrences)

If the company is affected by force majeure, it shall forthwith notify you of nature and extent thereof. The company shall not be deemed to be in breach of these items and conditions or otherwise be liable to you, by reason of delay in performance, or by non-performance, of any of its obligations hereunder to the extent that any such delay or non-performance is due to any force majeure.

If the company is affected by force majeure, it shall be entitled to, and may at its sole and absolute discretion, vary or cancel any reservations or cancel any reservation or arrangement in relation to the visits. Payment of any refund by the company to you as a result of the non-performance of any company shall use its reasonable endeavors to reimburse you where possible. However, the company shall be entitled to deduct from any refund recoverable to the reasonable actual and potential costs to the company of the force majeure.



If it appears that during your holiday you have been encountered any problem during your holiday, please submit to the administration via email, phone/whatsapp +49 170 184 7528 for a quick response toward the situation.



The payment of or deposit of the due amount for the reservation will amount to consent so as to be bound with our terms and conditions. In case of any departure from the terms and conditions, the departure must be in writing and signed by competent staff duly authorized to do so by the company.



We kindly insist that all valid bookings must be made via email

The company will not be held responsible in case of a misspelling of emails, or any other contributory negligence done by you during booking. 

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